3 Journal Prompts to Own Your Power
Hi my gorgeous friend,
Stepping into your power as a highly sensitive person changes everything.
It’s a mindset and energetic shift that starts from within, but has massive ripple effects in your physical reality.
You exude confidence.
You radiate light.
And…you attract the right people and opportunities both in your life and business.
Having a daily practice where you envision this future self version of you – and embody her energy – is one of the best kept secrets among successful entrepreneurs.
You tap into who you wish to become, and show up more and more as her every day.
If you’re new to this practice or ready to uplevel, below are some of my favorite journal prompts to get you started.
Journal on these every morning, and make them a part of your daily routine to unlock the next level version of you.
Own your power.
Step into your gifts.
It’s time, beauty.
All the love and blessings,
PS: If you’re ready for more, the REALM is the place for real conversations, growth, and strategies to help you reach your next level in life and business. Join us here.