Not Everyone Is Going To Like You

Hi Beauty,

Not everyone is going to like you. 

Not everyone is going to love your style.

Your way of speaking.

Or of moving through life.  

Not everyone is going to understand you. 

Some will think they understand the depths of your soul and who you are. 

But they don't.

It’s the things that set us apart that also set us free. 

The things that make you weird. 

And the things that certain people don’t like about you, which make you valuable in other ways, in other places, and to other people. 

Your unique message is the one your people need to hear. 

And it’s important to focus on the people who are for you, not the ones against you. 

The key: as long as you know your intentions are good and pure and true you can feel peace in your heart.

Always remember your power. Always remember your truth.  

Always lead with your essence. 

I love you and ALL your ways.



PS: Have you joined us inside the Realm yet? Click here to let your true self shine. 


No pressure, No Diamond


Your Soul Will Never Stop Calling