Ready to unlock your potential? Here’s how… 🧠

Hello Beauty,

If you know me at all you know I am obsessed with mindset work.

The question is…do you really know what mindsets are? 

One way you can think of them is kind of like the attitudes, beliefs, and emotions we have around learning and trying new things and stretching ourselves into new territories. 

According to scientist Carol Dweck, there are two main types of mindsets: fixed mindset and growth mindset. 

A fixed mindset is when we think we're born with a certain amount of ability and really can’t do anything to change it. 

We might say things like: 

“I’m not good on camera.”

“I’m not good with money.” 

“I’ll never be successful.” 

“This is just how I am.” 

This way of thinking leaves no room for your expansion and growth. 

But then there's the growth mindset. With this mindset, we believe we can improve with effort and practice.

Instead of thinking, “I can’t do x (fill in the blank)” one might think instead, “I just haven’t done it YET but with hard work and dedication, I will be able to.”

Those with a growth mindset also embrace failures. They understand this is how we learn and grow. Since they do not feel like failures mean they “messed it up” they try more things and stick with them longer leading to more success. 

Question: Which mindset do you have? Send me a message and tell me what you think. 

Speak soon, Steph 

PS: Are you ready to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset? I have limited slots open for 1:1 coaching, Click here if your soul feels the pull 💖


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