Are You An Optimist Or a Pessimist?
Hi Beauty,
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
For so many of us, it’s easy to get trapped in the negative, automatic thoughts.
In fact – our brains are hardwired for it.
It’s called the “negativity bias” and it explains why we tend to remember the bad things more than the good, and also focus on them more.
Have you ever received compliments or praise, but that one not so great comment sticks with you the most?
This is the negativity bias at work.
And it’s the reason why we have a harder time thinking positively and being optimistic.
Research shows that we tend to do this, focusing on the negative as we try to understand the world around us.
It’s also served us from an evolutionary standpoint, helping to keep us safe.
The thing is…we get to rewrite this today.
And we have the power to change our thoughts.
Being an optimist has many scientifically proven advantages, and leads to more favorable outcomes in life.
To get started, positive affirmations are a great way to upgrade the subconscious mind.
Click here to grab your free track and listen often to help move your mind to a more empowered place today.
And, stay tuned because I’ll be sharing more of my favorite ways to increase your optimism and create your own luck.
All the love and blessings,
PS: If you’re ready to boost your thoughts for greater optimism, click here to book a call with me. Can’t wait to talk more soon!