How to Protect Your Energy (especially if you are a highly sensitive person) đź™… đź’«
4 simple steps to protect your energy...
Hi Beauty!
As a highly sensitive person, it’s easy to pick up on the energy around you.
When others feel anxious, scared, sad, or annoyed…so do you.
It can be completely overwhelming and exhausting.
Here’s the positive thing: once you learn some strategies to protect your energy, being a highly sensitive person can be a superpower.
This is why it’s so important to learn how to create boundaries to protect yourself from energy and emotions that do not belong to you.
This process allows you to be happier, healthier, more productive, and to experience greater success in your life and business.
Below are 4 techniques I use every day to stay aligned and in my own power (they also work great even if you’re not a highly sensitive person!).
4 Simple Steps to Protect Your Energy
Tip #1: Wear Different Hats
Different events and instances require different versions of you. When I am with my one on one coaching clients my energy field is wide open. It’s important for me to be open in these scenarios so I can feel the energy of my clients and receive the downloads that are meant for them.
My boundaries are much different when I go to networking events or go out to dinner. During these times my energy is more bubbled up (you’ll learn about this in step 2), however this doesn’t mean I am closed off emotionally.
I still set the intention to be a beacon of light and send love to everyone in the room, however I also make sure I am not an open channel to accept the energy of others. I put on my "light and love" but protected “hat” so that I don’t accidentally absorb what is not mine.
Setting intentions is scientifically proven to work in various aspects of life. This is a great opportunity to practice intentions as a powerful and effective way to protect your energy.
Tip #2: Bubble Yourself Up
If you believe in a higher power, angels, or the universe… this one's for you.
What I like to do is ask the Divine (God, Source, Spirit, The Universe, Guardian Angels) to put a bubble of protection around me. I envision this bubble like a Teflon coating. Positivity can come in but negativity cannot. Another thing you can do is fill your bubble up with pure light and love or your favorite calming color. I also like to surround my home and loved ones in my bubble too.
You can practice this anytime, but especially when you need an extra boost to help manage your energy. I like starting and ending my day with this, and when I know I will be in a situation that may demand more from me so I feel safe, loved, nurtured, and protected.
Tip #3: If it's Not a Hell Yes, It’s a Hell No
There is absolutely nothing more important than how you feel. If it doesn't feel good, it’s important to say “no.” I totally understand this is easier said than done. It can be difficult to say set boundaries and honor your needs as you work towards protecting your energy.
One of the #1 questions my clients ask is: “How do I know the difference between my intuition/soul and fear?”
This is such a great question, and the truth is, it can be difficult to know at first. However, it gets easier the more you practice and with time you learn to discern what feels like a “hell yes” or a “hell no.”
I have 2 simple strategies to get you started:
Fear is like a scream while your soul is like a whisper.
Take the time to quiet your mind with meditation, alone time, by moving your body, or spending time in nature to still the voice of the ego (the fear-based self) so you can hear your soul speak.
Journal it out.
Take time to write out how you feel. How does saying “no” affect your life? How would saying “yes” affect your life? Let yourself be very honest and feel free to let your deepest thoughts and emotions out (you can always burn it after!)
Are you afraid to hurt someone’s feelings? Are you afraid you might mess up? Are you afraid of judgment? If any thoughts like this come up, you know the ego (fear) is in the driver's seat.
Tip #4 Give Back Energy to Its Rightful Owner (and get yours back)
This next one is something I learned from Gabrielle Bernstein (the author of the Universe Has Your Back and many others) but I made it my own.
The prayer or intention below is something I use daily and sometimes multiple times a day depending on how many people I am around or where I go.
Please save this image on your phone or screenshot it so you can use it daily. (Feel free to post this image on your social media to spread the love. Make sure you tag me so I can like, comment, and share!).
There you go, my fellow sensitive people!
I hope you will implement some of these strategies to protect your energy today.
When you do, please be sure to message me to let me know how you feel after.
Wishing you so much love.
PS: There is a REALM for female entrepreneurs where anything is possible. Where you come as you are, begin at any level, and where it is safe for you to leap. Join us here to unlock your potential in your life and business!